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Licensing & Privacy Disclosures

A licensed insurance agent sells a variety of insurance policies to customers based on the customer’s needs. Licensed insurance agents typically specialize in a few types of insurance, such as car, home life, and mortgage insurance. You must complete training courses to learn general insurance or have some experience in the field to pass the state insurance license exam. So, at Spero, we take the business of insurance seriously, to bring you the best in insurance options at the best prices.


California Insurance Code Sections 791 - 791.27, the Insurance Information and Privacy Protection Act (IIPPA), provide protections for one's personally identifiable information, which is generally provided to an agent, broker or insurance company in order to apply for insurance or submit a claim. These entities must provide you with a "Privacy Notice" that describes the entities' practices and policies regarding privacy, the kind of information collected about you in connection with the application for insurance, submission of a claim or other insurance transaction; how and with whom your personally identifiable information will be shared, and your rights to restrict that sharing.

Source: California Department of Insurance


Spero Insurance Agency's privacy notice.

SPERO Insurance Agency

930 Irwin Street, Suite 210

San Rafael, CA 94901

CA DOI # 0E11875
CO 525136

Hours of Operation: 24/7

Authorized forProperty and Casualty, Accident and Health, and Life Insurance

Know Your Rights: California Department of Insurance


©2024 by SPERO Insurance Agency. Privacy Notice and Terms of Use

*Estimated premium savings based on a rate comparison of Spero Insurance Agency's prices to average industry prices.

Spero Insurance Agency, 0E11875, Licensed by the CA Dept of Insurance

 CO 525136


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